Association „Balta maja”
31 July 2015

In July the Project Team Goes on the Exchange of Experience Trip to Liepaja

The implementation of the Association’s “Baltamaja” project “Experience and Knowledge for the Integration of Minorities into the Latvian Society” (Project’s contract identification number:2013.EEZ/PP/2/MAC/035/050) continues. The project is supported by the European Economic area financial mechanism 2009 – 2014 period program’s “NGO fond” sub-programme “NGO project program”. 

In 2nd and 3rd July the project team together with the project activists from the association “Uzori” (Livani),Belarusian cultural and educational society “Uzdim”(Daugavpils), association Rezekne City Theatre Studio “Joriks” (Rezekne) and the Ukrainian Cultural education association “Javir”(Jekabpils), altogether 25 people went to the Latvian city of winds, Liepaja, in order to gain, share and enrich the experience, promote cooperation, make new business contacts, as well as to learn about the examples of good practices. For many it was the first meeting with the city of music, inspiration, good works and the picturesque sunsets; and therefore everyone got even more excitement and joy while watching nature, urban harmony and also meeting with the representatives of numerous associations and friends in Liepaja.

In both 2nd and 3rd July several meeting took place- the talented representatives of the “German cultural centre” and its head Ilga Vitāle that gave a wonderful concert of German music during which the listeners involuntarily in thoughts and feelings found themselves in one of the cosy German towns on the banks of the Rhine. The director also shared the experience of her association and talked about numerous activities and projects. The participants also got acquainted with the daily routine of Liepaja Municipality Agency “Employment Projects” and the association “Vieniba”, the house of help, where the agency director Zigmunds Cīrulis told the visitors about the accomplished work and ideas to be implemented in future. Just as many emotions and knowledge generated the meeting with the representatives of Liepaja Russian Community, director Valerijs Kravcovs and the representatives of Liepaja Ukrainian, Belarusian Association and many other members of active associations in Liepaja. These two days were meaningfully filled with the experience stories of the like-minded, open and creative people and those who with the heart belong to Liepaja. The participants were also told about the work already done, the implemented objectives and got to know about the lives of minorities in Liepaja.

Indeed, meetings, conversations and sharing of the practical experience have allowed realizing the progress made by minorities in Liepaja side and Karosta. In addition, the working group leaders were given the opportunity to talk about their organizations, best practices and their future plans and intentions. The working group representatives acknowledged that such experience exchange trips are truly enriching and supportive for work and the development of project ideas. Meeting organizations and associations with similar ideas creates new impulses and thoughts on common, unified labour productivity and opportunities of successfully implementing even bigger projects without stoppingatthe achieved.

During these two days the working group and project activists learned about a number of associations, various NGOs and their work, met with innovative people who give opportunities to the residents of their city,Latvians and representatives of national minorities, for development, preservation of culture and traditions and education regardless of their language differences, historical or social origin. Project activists after two ceaseless working days during which they got acquainted with the work of associations and daily lives of people from minorities happily admitted that they have made new friends, established friendly contacts for further cooperation and emphasized the fact that people from Liepaja are open, friendly, knowledgeable about their city, Latvian history and culture.

People who come from Liepaja every time and also in these days of July demonstrated their generosity, hospitality and kindness both in negotiations and in the fair love for their native city. It is worth remembering because the place where a loving heart dwells gives people enough fortitude to implement the most daring dreams and aspirations to make happier and internally richer not only themselves but also people around them!

The association “Balta maja” calls for cooperation, love and joy!



More information:

phone: 65381707



The program is funded by the EEZ Grants and Latvian State

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

 This publication has been prepared by the EEA Financial Mechanism and Latvian State financial support.

 For the content of this publication responsible is association „Balta maja”.