Association „Balta maja”

Association „Balta Maja” introduced project motivate to develop

Continue association „Balta Maja” introduced project “Support for the Activity of the Association „Balta Maja” to Strengthen the Participatory Democracy in Latgale Region” (project contract number: 2012.EEZ/DAP/MAC/152) second year of duration and its implementation will continue until end of the 2015 year. The project implementation provides support of Association regular activities and a variety of new activities. The project supported by EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 period Programme „NGO fund” in subprogram “NGO Activity Support Measure”.

The Project work plan is to promote the activities of the Association and increase the sustainability of Association capacity. It contributes to social services and participation activities regularity and quality.

The Association is one of the few organizations in the Latgale region, which is available every weekday and local residents receiving social services. Another important reason is intense and diverse participation activities and promotion of education activities; activities often end in the late evening.

Association “Balta Maja” has long provided county Council social services. The local Council has delegated the Association to provide social Day care center and Home care office work. Over the year Livani city residents used the opportunity to do the laundry and take a shower. Required is use of technical aids. Thanks to the support of European Economic Area Financial Mechanism was carried out social Day care center flat repair works. On April 3 held a formal opening of renovated space. This event was uplifting for all – for center clients and employees.

Employees of the Association is satisfied that it is possible to implement activities with a large number of local residents. Regularly there are a number of activities, interest groups meetings and interest clubs.

Most of interest groups operating for many years, but there are a number of new interest groups, such as: theater troupe „Eliksirs” and knitting-crochet enthusiasts group. In the end of April Association will be organized Easter events, new theater productions and charity campaign – knit baby shoes for new-born babies.

Also visited are thematic meetings with creative professionals and institutional leaders. Participants appreciated the 7th April informative event which led by political scientist Ivars Ijabs. Meeting issue was about public participation opportunities. Ivars Ijabs was talked about participation use in policy influence aspects of Latvian and in the world. In the end of meeting we discussed current events in Ukraine; the historical causes and possible forward ways.

Our visitors recognize that in association “Balta Maja” anyone can find something useful. The project “Support for the Activity of the Association „Balta Maja” to Strengthen the Participatory Democracy in Latgale Region” was motivated planed the Association work so that every day bringing satisfaction.

More information:
phone: 65381707


The program is funded by the EEZ Grants and Latvian State
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway